There are so many options to consider when planning a kitchen remodel, that it is often overwhelming to think about beginning the process. To avoid getting mired in all of the details, it is best to use the services of an experienced kitchen remodel designer. But before you take that step, there is some research that you can do to help make the process as seamless as possible.

Find your Style
Do you know what you like? That is the first question to ask before beginning your kitchen remodel. In today’s market there are a wide variety of styles and selections. The best place to begin to learn of your individual preferences is the internet. Look at a lot of pictures and begin to save them to idea books. The sites and are great places to archive your favorite kitchen pictures. Don’t get overwhelmed with labels. In today’s kitchen remodels, elements can be used from a variety of styles. And the best part of kitchen remodeling is choosing what you like compared to a standard builder kitchen where your options are limited. As you begin to save pictures, you may begin to see a gradual tendency to like elements that are the same, and if this isn’t something that is apparent to you, it is often something that an experienced designer can point out.

Elements are the nuts and bolts that you will use to begin to shape your kitchen remodel design selections.
- Countertops
- Flooring
- Cabinet Door Style
- Cabinet Door Color
- Backsplash Design and Material
- Wall color
- Sink and Fixtures
- Appliances

Although the actual floor plans and cabinetry design will be specified and drawn by your kitchen designer, it is always helpful to be prepared for specific questions on how you personally use your kitchen. In any kitchen remodel process is it extremely important that your kitchen functions appropriately for your unique needs. So spend some time thinking about how your dream kitchen remodel will work best for your family.