Facts and Myths about Wine Storage
For the growing number of wine enthusiasts there are a number of questions about the proper way to store wine. There are also questions as to when wine is at its peak and when it is best to uncork it for the ultimate tasting experience. Only 1% of wines actually improve with age – the other 99% are meant to be consumed within 5 years. To maintain the quality of wine it is best to store it at a consistent temperature. It is generally considered that wine storage is best kept at 45-65° Fahrenheit with 55° being close to perfect.
Wine refrigerated coolers are a great option to maintain this consistent temperature and there are many styles and sizes available. Under- counter options are very popular and can easily be installed in a beverage center. Other benefits of a wine fridge include more storage left in your refrigerator when you are hosting parties!
If you are storing both red and white wine – no worries! Both should be stored at the same temperature – but they should not necessarily be served that way. Allow your red wine to decant to room temperature for the most flavor. White wine is best served opened directly from the wine fridge while it is still a bit cool.
If you are a wine collector who has more wine than a refrigerator can handle, you may opt for a true wine cellar. Wine cellars are a beautiful way to showcase your wine as well as to store it. A wine cellar cooling unit, similar to an air conditioner, is installed in the cellar to provide the best temperature for wine. The biggest difference between the cooling unit and a home air conditioner is that an air conditioner usually includes a dehumidifying component which removes moisture from the air. This can be harmful to valuable bottles of wine because it can dry out the corks and damage the wine. To maintain the optimal environment for your wine, it is best to have a consistent temperature and humidity. For more information check out this article on Vine Pair. http://vinepair.com/wine-101/guide-to-aging-wine/